Do you feel like the safe, conventional path you’ve taken into adulthood has limited your capacity?

“The seeds of your potential lie within you. Water them with courage, nurture them with passion, and grow into your most vibrant self.”

Do you feel adrift in midlife?

You are not alone

I help successful, curious professionals rediscover themselves with psychedelic medicine grounded in science and rooted in the earth.

Let’s go deep

The Outcomes

Freedom from limiting beliefs

Confidence in your boundaries

Skills to navigate life’s transitions

Cultivate emotional resilience

Mastery of your inner wilderness

Less reactivity, more response


  • Nature-Based Coaching

    Deep within, nature whispers, calling you home. Nature-based coaching guides you to rediscover your true self, hand-in-hand with the wild. Find your essence, the nature that sings within.

  • Microdose Coaching

    Microdose for mindful change. Unlock creativity, focus, and self-discovery with personalized coaching. Explore safely, integrate insights, and connect deeper to yourself and the world.

  • Journey Within Retreats

    Ready for a life-changing journey within yourself? This 6-week program provides a safe container for deep exploration and healing. Get clear on your intentions and integrate your discoveries for lasting change. Discover yourself with curiousity, confidence, and clarity.

  • Group Wellness Retreats

    Find inner peace. Escape the daily grind. Reconnect with yourself and unleash your creativity. Join a supportive community of women on a nourishing retreat with yoga, art, connection and ceremony where women empower women.